June, 23 2017 oncgnostics and crowdarchitects are winners of the “IQ Innovation Award Central Germany

The award cer­e­mony for the win­ners of a total of 149 appli­ca­tions took place in front of 300 guests from busi­ness, pol­i­tics and sci­ence at the Ball­haus Neue Welt in Zwickau. The IQ Inno­va­tion Award for Cen­tral Ger­many hon­ours inno­v­a­tive, mar­ketable prod­ucts, processes and ser­vices in five clus­ters. The focus is on the inno­v­a­tive char­ac­ter of the prod­ucts together with their marketability.

In the Life Sci­ences clus­ter, the prizes are awarded for inno­va­tions in biotech­nol­ogy such as mol­e­c­u­lar and cell bio­log­i­cal find­ings for the devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion of new ther­a­peu­tics and diag­nos­tics. This year there were 37 com­peti­tors in the Life Sci­ence clus­ter, against which oncg­nos­tics GmbH pre­vailed with its innovation.
In the field of infor­ma­tion tech­nol­ogy, the prize was awarded to the bm|t port­fo­lio com­pany crow­dar­chi­tects GmbH from Erfurt.

As clus­ter win­ners, the com­pa­nies receive exten­sive PR, mar­ket­ing and con­sult­ing ser­vices. The IQ Inno­va­tion Award Cen­tral Ger­many is offered by the Euro­pean Met­ro­pol­i­tan Region of Cen­tral Ger­many and its city partners.