August, 12 2019 Successful 3rd financing round for medtech start-up MOIO GmbH

MOIO GmbH was able to raise another important financing component in the nearly seven-figure range. In addition to private investors, bm‑t beteiligungsmanagement thüringen gmbh (bm|t) as lead investor and R.O.I. GmbH were among the companies acquired for the financing round.

After the start-up, which was founded in 2017, has already suc­cess­fully com­pleted sev­eral rounds of cap­i­tal, MOIO GmbH was able to win bm‑t beteili­gungs­man­age­ment thürin­gen gmbh (bm|t), as well as R.O.I. GmbH as investors at this year’s Thuringian Investor Days. “The con­cept of the sys­tem con­vinced us right from the start. We are look­ing for­ward to work­ing with the team, also at the new addi­tional loca­tion in Erfurt, on the final devel­op­ment work and the mar­ket launch in 2020” says Karin Rabe, Invest­ment Man­ager at bm‑t. MOIO Man­ag­ing Direc­tor Jür­gen Besser and his team are pleased about the renewed con­fir­ma­tion of their poten­tial by two such strong part­ners and look for­ward pos­i­tively to the final steps before mar­ket launch.
The idea for the sys­tem orig­i­nated from the research project “Bar­rier-free Health Assis­tance” of the top clus­ter Med­ical Val­ley EMN. The project was ini­ti­ated in 2010 by the Evan­gel­i­cal Lutheran Diakoniew­erk Neuen­det­tel­sau (now Diako­neo) together with 14 other com­pa­nies from research and indus­try.
The objec­tive in the case of to pro­vide sup­port for the most impor­tant nurs­ing chal­lenges with the help of exist­ing tech­ni­cal pos­si­bil­i­ties. This includes the pre­ven­tion of falls and bed­sores, as well as the improve­ment of mobil­ity despite dis­ori­en­ta­tion of those affected. For all func­tions, it should also be ensured that the sys­tem is also worn on the body and is ide­ally hardly notice­able.
In order to imple­ment the result­ing prod­uct idea, the for­mer Diakonie employee, Jür­gen Besser, and eesy Inno­va­tion GmbH, headed by Gün­ter Max­i­m­il­ian Hefner, joined forces and founded MOIO GmbH in Novem­ber 2017.
The solu­tion, which is about to be finalised, is a flat, soft and flex­i­ble sen­sor mod­ule. It is worn on the back, under the cloth­ing, directly on the skin. There it is hardly notice­able, not vis­i­ble and thus not stig­ma­tis­ing. Inside it are sophis­ti­cated sen­sor, eval­u­a­tion and mobile radio tech­nolo­gies that enable com­pletely flex­i­ble and mobile use. The sys­tem per­ma­nently processes sen­sor infor­ma­tion and inter­prets it inde­pen­dently. Only when the sen­sor mod­ule detects a con­crete need does it estab­lish a data con­nec­tion and trans­mit the nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion to the From there, all respon­si­ble care­givers are noti­fied via the on their mobile device and can pro­vide assis­tance as needed.
The func­tions of the sys­tem pri­mar­ily address nurs­ing chal­lenges in elderly care, nurs­ing care or the care of peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties. On the one hand, it auto­mat­i­cally noti­fies in sit­u­a­tions where quick help is needed. On the other hand, it gen­er­ates objec­tively mea­sured data that can be auto­mat­i­cally trans­ferred to dig­i­tal doc­u­men­ta­tion.
The sys­tem will be eval­u­ated in sev­eral elderly care facil­i­ties in the com­ing months. The mar­ket launch of is planned for 2020.
Inter­ested par­ties still have the oppor­tu­nity to par­tic­i­pate in the financ­ing round until September.

About MOIO GmbH

MOIO GmbH is a newly founded start-up that, with the sup­port of Diakonie Neuen­det­tel­sau (Diako­neo), Wil­helm Löhe Uni­ver­sity of Applied Sci­ences and eesy-inno­va­tion GmbH, aims to bring for­ward-look­ing ideas for the care and health­care mar­ket to mar­ket matu­rity and mar­ket them. Their prod­uct, the sys­tem, which is to be per­ma­nently improved and expanded with the help of part­ners from research and indus­try.

About R.O.I. GmbH

R.O.I. GmbH from Berlin is the invest­ment com­pany of the busi­ness angel Ulrich Urban in Berlin. Mr Urban invests in real estate as well as start-ups with high growth poten­tial and promis­ing entrepreneurs.

About bm|t

bm‑t beteili­gungs­man­age­ment thürin­gen gmbh (bm|t), based in Erfurt, is a sub­sidiary of the Thüringer Auf­baubank and the lead­ing address for invest­ments in Thuringia. bm|t cur­rently man­ages eight funds with a total vol­ume of around EUR 320 mil­lion, which invest in inno­v­a­tive com­pa­nies in almost all sec­tors and in all phases of com­pany devel­op­ment — both in the start-up and growth phases or in com­pany suc­ces­sion situations.

Press contacts

Karin Rabe, Senior Invest­ment Man­ager
Gork­istraße 9, 99084 Erfurt, Ger­many
Phone +49 361 7447 605
Fax. +49 361 7447 635
e‑mail: karin.rabe@bm‑

Natalie Heckel, Mar­ket­ing & PR Man­ager
Merkurstr. 21, 90763 Fürth, Ger­many
phone: +49 152 038 279 40