April, 8 2020 The Jena-based biotech company «Dynamic42» raised a seven-digit investment

Dynamic42 GmbH has con­cluded a seven-digit start-up financ­ing round. The com­pany, which spun off from the «Cen­ter of Sep­sis Con­trol and Care» (CSCC) of the Uni­ver­sity Hos­pi­tal Jena in March 2018, was able to con­vince the investors bm‑t beteili­gungs­man­age­ment thürin­gen gmbh (bm|t), Mit­tel­ständis­che Beteili­gungs­ge­sellschaft Thürin­gen mbH (MBG) and Sparkasse Jena-Saale-Hol­z­land to invest in the round. Dynamic42 GmbH offers its cus­tomers minia­tur­ized human organ mod­els (so-called micro-phys­i­o­log­i­cal sys­tems) in order to carry out drug tox­i­c­ity tests. With the invest­ment, Dynamic42 GmbH will progress the devel­op­ment of its prod­ucts and ser­vices, grow the com­pany infra­struc­ture and per­son­nel, strengthen its IP basis, and expand the sales organisation.

The human immune sys­tem plays an impor­tant role in drug devel­op­ment. Dynamic42 GmbH is able to inte­grate com­po­nents of the immune sys­tem into its human organ mod­els and to inves­ti­gate their influ­ence on drug com­pat­i­bil­ity. The cus­tomer can then draw ini­tial con­clu­sions about the tox­i­c­ity of drug can­di­dates in humans before con­duct­ing ani­mal exper­i­ments in the pre­clin­i­cal phase of drug devel­op­ment and decide whether the devel­op­ment can be con­tin­ued or should be stopped. In this way, Dynamic42 con­tributes to increased drug safety, bring­ing promis­ing drug can­di­dates to mar­ket faster and reduc­ing the costs of drug devel­op­ment and ani­mal test­ing. Dynamic42 has already received sev­eral awards for this inno­v­a­tive solution.

About Dynamic42 GmbH

Dynamic42 GmbH was founded on March 12, 2018 as a spin-off from the Cen­ter for Sep­sis Con­trol and Care (CSCC) of the Uni­ver­sity Hos­pi­tal Jena. Cur­rently, the com­pany is located in the BioIn­stru­mentezen­trum on the Beuten­berg in Jena. Dynamic42 GmbH mar­kets and devel­ops human micro-phys­i­o­log­i­cal sys­tems (MPS) / organ-on-chip mod­els with inte­grated immune sys­tem com­po­nents for the research and test­ing of phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal prod­ucts, novel ther­a­pies such as nanopar­ti­cles, chem­i­cal and food additives.

About bm|t

bm|t is the first address for invest­ments in Thuringia, Ger­many. bm|t invests in start-up teams and com­pa­nies in the Free State with a clear aim of gen­er­at­ing pos­i­tive invest­ment returns. This is how inno­va­tion and eco­nomic growth in Thuringia are financed. bm|t cur­rently man­ages eight funds with a total vol­ume of over 400 mil­lion euros and invests in inno­v­a­tive com­pa­nies in nearly all sec­tors and in all phases of com­pany devel­op­ment — from the start-up and growth phases to buy­outs and other suc­ces­sion cases.

About MBG

As a strong and reli­able part­ner, Mit­tel­ständis­che Beteili­gungs­ge­sellschaft Thürin­gen mbH (MBG) offers small and medium-sized com­pa­nies mez­za­nine or equity invest­ments in the early- and growth-stage as well as in suc­ces­sion cases. Com­pa­nies thus have a good basis for solid devel­op­ment and sus­tain­able growth.

About Sparkasse Jena-Saale-Holzland

The Sparkasse has been rooted in the region since 1828 and knows the wishes and objec­tives of the peo­ple and com­pa­nies. As the largest regional finan­cial part­ner, it is also impor­tant to the Sparkasse to ensure a bet­ter qual­ity of life in the region: through the pro­gres­sive dig­i­tal­i­sa­tion of its ser­vices, the expan­sion of its advi­sory ser­vices, pub­lic sup­port pro­grammes and financ­ing. Sup­port­ing the econ­omy, edu­ca­tion, sport and cul­ture through mate­r­ial and finan­cial con­tri­bu­tions is an impor­tant part of its role. For this rea­son, Sparkasse Jena-Saale-Hol­z­land will con­tinue to sup­port busi­ness start-ups, thus prepar­ing the ground for the jobs of the future. Recently, the Sparkasse, with the Busi­ness Angels Club Jena e.V., has estab­lished a plat­form for start-ups and pri­vate investors. The strong regional know-how is thus bun­dled through good net­work­ing and is intended to sup­port the region´s dynamic start-up scene.
Con­tact Dr. Knut Ren­nert Dynamic42 GmbH Winz­er­laer Str.2, 07745 Jena Phone: +49 3641 508101 e‑mail: knut.rennert@dynamic42.com