September, 15 2021 tediro, the mobile robotics platform for therapy and diagnostics, announces seven-figure financing round led by bm|t

Robot­ics spe­cial­ist tediro has closed a seven-fig­ure seed financ­ing round to fur­ther grow and expand its tech­nol­ogy lead­er­ship. The financ­ing round was led by bm|t. MBG Thürin­gen and Olaf Jed­er­s­berger, for­mer man­ag­ing direc­tor of Helios Kliniken, were also acquired as investors. 

tediro GmbH is devel­op­ing a mobile robot­ics plat­form for ther­apy and diag­nos­tics in med­ical facil­i­ties. The com­pany ben­e­fits from close coop­er­a­tion with MetraL­abs, one of the world’s lead­ing indus­try part­ners for mobile robot­ics and autonomous nav­i­ga­tion, as well as the Depart­ment of Neu­roin­for­mat­ics and Cog­ni­tive Robot­ics at Ilme­nau Uni­ver­sity of Technology.

tediro´s first prod­uct is an autonomous assis­tance robot for ther­apy. The robot accom­pa­nies patients after hip or knee oper­a­tions as part of gait train­ing. The robot records the patient’s gait using a cam­era, eval­u­ates the move­ment sequences with AI sup­port, detects errors and cor­rects them using voice out­put. It moti­vates the patient to train, enables con­stant improve­ments to be achieved through the rec­om­mended cor­rec­tions and thus accel­er­ates the suc­cess of the treat­ment. Ther­a­pists can define the respec­tive ther­apy sequence before­hand and receive a dig­i­tal eval­u­a­tion of the gait train­ing, which also includes auto­mated documentation.

The foun­da­tion for the world’s first robot­ics-based mobile gait train­ing is sev­eral years of test­ing at the Ger­man Cen­ter for Ortho­pe­dics in Eisen­berg, with inter­na­tion­ally rec­og­nized experts in the field of ortho­pe­dics and endo­pros­thet­ics at Jena Uni­ver­sity Hos­pi­tal. The appli­ca­tion poten­tial is more than two mil­lion cases per year in Ger­many alone.

Anke May­farth, co-founder and man­ag­ing direc­tor of tediro: “Our unique tech­nol­ogy enables clin­ics to offer high-qual­ity treat­ment even with a lim­ited num­ber of ther­a­pists. By reliev­ing the ther­a­pists of rou­tine and doc­u­men­ta­tion tasks, their moti­va­tion increases and they can focus more on the indi­vid­ual treat­ment of patients, thus pos­i­tively enhanc­ing the treat­ment out­come. For the clin­ics, this pos­i­tive effect goes hand in hand with an alle­vi­a­tion of the short­age of spe­cial­ists and the assur­ance of treat­ment qual­ity. In turn, the qual­ity of treat­ment is an increas­ingly impor­tant fac­tor for patients when choos­ing a hos­pi­tal. By using our prod­uct, not only are head physi­cians, ther­a­pists and con­trollers in the clin­ics happy — but so are the patients.”

Sebas­t­ian Kned­lik, Senior Invest­ment Man­ager at bm|t: “With its plat­form, tediro addresses the highly inter­est­ing mar­ket of dig­i­tal ther­a­peu­tics and opens up con­sid­er­able poten­tial with the use of AI in ther­apy and diag­nos­tics. The expe­ri­enced found­ing team has estab­lished an excel­lent posi­tion for tediro with its strong part­ners. We look for­ward to future collaboration!”

Dr. Chris­t­ian Ster­n­itzke, co-founder and man­ag­ing direc­tor of tediro adds: “With the cap­i­tal raised, we can con­sis­tently con­tinue our growth path. With a focus on med­ical needs, we will steadily expand the robot­ics plat­form with new addi­tional appli­ca­tions, both on our own and in coop­er­a­tion with exter­nal providers.“

About tediro GmbH

tediro is devel­op­ing the world’s first mobile ther­apy and diag­nos­tics robot, which will han­dle a vari­ety of rou­tine activ­i­ties in clin­ics in the future. Ini­tially, the focus will be on AI-sup­ported reha­bil­i­ta­tion. Here, tediro relies on estab­lished robot nav­i­ga­tion tech­nolo­gies and devel­ops the med­ical appli­ca­tions as dig­i­tal ther­a­pies and diag­noses on the robot both on its own and in coop­er­a­tion with partners.

About bm|t beteiligungsmanagement thüringen gmbh (bm|t)

bm|t, based in Erfurt, is the first address for ven­ture cap­i­tal invest­ments in Thuringia, Ger­many. bm|t cur­rently man­ages ten invest­ment funds with a total vol­ume of EUR 440 mil­lion and invests in inno­v­a­tive com­pa­nies with strong growth poten­tial across all sec­tors and all phases of the com­pany life cycle.‑

About MBG Thuringia

As a strong and reli­able part­ner, Mit­tel­ständis­che Beteili­gungs­ge­sellschaft Thürin­gen mbH offers small and medium-sized enter­prises mez­za­nine and equity invest­ments to strengthen equity cap­i­tal for start-ups, con­sol­i­da­tion or suc­ces­sions. Com­pa­nies thus have a good basis for solid devel­op­ment and sus­tain­able growth.