October, 12 2022 Jena-based cybersecurity company Enginsight closes growth financing round and strengthens its sales and marketing team

Cyber­se­cu­rity soft­ware ven­dor Engin­sight suc­cess­fully closes growth financ­ing, strength­en­ing its mar­ket­ing and sales team with expe­ri­enced indi­vid­u­als from the channel.

“Octo­ber is off to a strong start for Engin­sight. We have brought on board a sales team with exten­sive expe­ri­ence in IT-secu­rity in the per­sons of Clau­dia Wolf as Head of Sales and Nensi Klein and Michael Reiss as Account Man­agers, who are no strangers to the secu­rity chan­nel thanks to their pre­vi­ous posi­tions in the indus­try (Lan­com, Astaro, Sophos),” explains Max Taran­tik, Chief Oper­at­ing Offi­cer at Enginsight.

Enginsight’s mar­ket­ing team is also grow­ing. Since the begin­ning of the month, Patri­cia Brumme as Head of Mar­ket­ing and Heiko Schmieder as Con­tent Cre­ator have been respon­si­ble for addi­tional cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tion strength. As expe­ri­enced chan­nel experts, they will estab­lish and expand the Engin­sight brand in the area of man­aged secu­rity in the DACH region.

With the strate­gic per­son­nel expan­sion in sales and mar­ket­ing, Engin­sight will con­sis­tently drive for­ward the expan­sion of part­ner­ships with IT sys­tem houses and con­tinue its chan­nel strategy.

The upcom­ing it-sa in Nurem­berg offers a great oppor­tu­nity to see the entire Engin­sight team in action (booth 7A-115).

Enginsight’s investors see the rel­e­vance of inde­pen­dent cyber­se­cu­rity solu­tions “made in Ger­many” and have entered another round of financ­ing with the secu­rity com­pany. The invest­ment com­pany bm|t and the investors seed + speed Ven­tures, Han­nover Dig­i­tal Invest (Talanx) and Smart Infra­struc­ture Ven­tures have all increased their invest­ment in the Jena-based company.


About Enginsight

Engin­sight offers the sim­plest all-in-one cyber­se­cu­rity solu­tion for the mid-mar­ket. Founded in Jena in 2017, the com­pletely in-house devel­oped soft­ware is now used by numer­ous SMEs and is par­tic­u­larly pop­u­lar with IT ser­vice providers. They use Engin­sight to deter­mine the matu­rity of their cus­tomers’ IT secu­rity and take proac­tive action, detect­ing and block­ing attacks. Fol­low­ing the approach of “mak­ing the invis­i­ble vis­i­ble” and “mak­ing the inse­cure secure”, Engin­sight focuses on trans­parency and automa­tion in IT secu­rity. The “human fac­tor in IT secu­rity”, which is at the fore­front of many cyber attacks, is to be elim­i­nated. With Secu­rity 100% Made in Ger­many, Engin­sight pur­sues the vision of mak­ing medium-sized busi­nesses secure effec­tively and sus­tain­ably with its tech­no­log­i­cally lead­ing solution.