January, 24 2022 Parcel delivery for industry and local trade reimagined ‑PAKETIN closes new six-figure financing round

With the six-fig­ure invest­ment, the port­fo­lio investor bm|t beteili­gungs­man­age­ment thürin­gen gmbh is enabling the ambi­tious growth of PAKETIN GmbH from Jena.

PAKETIN offers an elec­tronic lock­ing sys­tem and the soft­ware for flex­i­ble par­cel box and pick-up sta­tions. The sys­tem is used by logis­tics com­pa­nies, par­cel deliv­ery ser­vices, retail­ers and pri­vate indi­vid­u­als for the stor­age and return of par­cel ship­ments. The sys­tem is not tied to spe­cific lock­ers or par­cel boxes and thus func­tions inde­pen­dently of man­u­fac­tur­ers. PAKETIN thus offers the great­est pos­si­ble flex­i­bil­ity and can also be retro­fit­ted into exist­ing stor­age facil­i­ties. Thanks to the per­ma­nent online avail­abil­ity, PAKETIN achieves real-time track­ing of incom­ing and out­go­ing ship­ments. The sys­tem is oper­ated accord­ing to cus­tomer require­ments via PIN entry or via the PAKETIN app. The PAKETIN solu­tion com­plies with the Euro­pean stan­dard CEN/TC331 and the DIN stan­dard 16577.

How local retailers benefit from PAKETIN

Until recently mainly hous­ing asso­ci­a­tions and real estate devel­op­ment as well as indus­try relied on PAKETIN solu­tions. How­ever, now demand from retail­ers is increas­ing dra­mat­i­cally — for exam­ple, from super­mar­kets, organic food stores, bak­eries, flower and book stores. Many in the brick-and-mor­tar retail sec­tor have under­stood that they must offer flex­i­ble 24/7 pick-up solu­tions in order to com­pete against increas­ing com­pe­ti­tion from online retail. In some cities, retail­ers have joined forces with city cen­ter asso­ci­a­tions or urban devel­op­ment to estab­lish cen­tral pick-up sta­tions that can be used by all local stores and cit­i­zens. In this model, lock­ers can be rented or reserved accord­ing to flex­i­ble mod­els for as lit­tle as 20 euros per month. This con­cept will be accel­er­ated with the renewed invest­ment, and new part­ners and cities are being acquired.

PaketIN par­cel box and deliv­ery station

Investment round by bm|t

“We have accom­pa­nied PAKETIN GmbH since its found­ing in 2016 as an investor from the very begin­ning and are pleased with how well the solu­tion has posi­tioned itself in the mar­ket against the com­pe­ti­tion and that the num­ber of users has dou­bled annu­ally in recent years. From our point of view, there is cur­rently no bet­ter and more flex­i­ble last-mile solu­tion on the mar­ket,” says Stephan Beier, Senior Invest­ment Man­ager at bm|t.


The mul­ti­ple award-win­ning startup from Jena, founded in 2016, imple­ments cloud-based elec­tronic key man­age­ment that opens elec­tric locks of all kinds in a vari­ety of ways — for exam­ple, via app, chip cards, PIN orQR code. These include mail, par­cel and locker sys­tems, pick-up sta­tions, bicy­cle garages and stor­age room door locks. The pick-up sta­tions are avail­able in nor­mal and refrig­er­ated, tem­per­a­ture-con­trolled ver­sions. In coop­er­a­tion with cur­rently eight well-known man­u­fac­tur­ing com­pa­nies, large and small units are pro­duced. The PAKETIN solu­tion can be used world­wide. Cur­rently, there are cus­tomers in Ger­many, Aus­tria, Switzer­land and Great Britain. More infor­ma­tion at www.paketin.de

About bm|t

bm|t, based in Erfurt, is the lead­ing address for equity invest­ments in Thuringia. bm|t cur­rently man­ages nine funds with a total vol­ume of around EUR 350 mil­lion, which invest in inno­v­a­tive com­pa­nies in almost all sec­tors and in all phases of com­pany devel­op­ment — from the start-up and growth phases to com­pany suc­ces­sion situations.

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion about bm|t is avail­able at www.bm‑t.com