November, 30 2023 bm|t sells its shares in BianoGMP GmbH to EUROAPI

EUROAPI, a lead­ing provider of small mol­e­cule APIs and listed on Euronext Paris, has acquired 100% of the shares in BianoGMP GmbH (“BianoGMP”).

BianoGMP, based in Gera (Thuringia), was founded in 2017 by Prof. Dr. Tobias Pöhlmann and Dr. Rolf Gün­ther and is an oligonu­cleotide Con­tract Devel­op­ment and Man­u­fac­tur­ing Orga­ni­za­tion (CDMO) player focused on small-scale, early-stage (pre-clin­i­cal to phase 1), com­plex and cus­tomized projects, with a diver­si­fied client base in Europe and Asia.

With this acqui­si­tion, EUROAPI aims to fur­ther strengthen its CDMO mar­ket posi­tion in the oligonu­cleotides sec­tor. This trans­ac­tion not only opens up oppor­tu­ni­ties for cross-refer­ral com­mer­cial syn­er­gies and sci­en­tific coop­er­a­tion, but will also fur­ther dif­fer­en­ti­ate the value propo­si­tion of EUROAPI to accom­pany a wider client base across the whole oligonu­cleotide devel­op­ment con­tin­uum, from research to commercialization.

Con­sis­tent with EUROAPI’s entre­pre­neur­ial approach, BianoGMP will retain its cor­po­rate brand and become a EUROAPI company.

“I am thrilled to have the oppor­tu­nity to con­tinue to expand BianoGMP’s capa­bil­i­ties in order to grow with our cus­tomers and pro­vide GMP-batches also for later clin­i­cal phases,” said Prof. Dr. Tobias Pöhlmann. “BianoGMP has a track record of hands-on sup­port for inno­v­a­tive oligonu­cleotide devel­op­ments, com­plex chemistries and con­ju­ga­tion of pep­tides and lipids. With a client base in Europe and Asia, it will ben­e­fit from EUROAPI’s sales and mar­ket­ing teams to expand into new geographies.”

“We at bm|t are proud to have sup­ported and accom­pa­nied BianoGMP in the process of set­ting up a GMP pro­duc­tion from the very begin­ning, together with a num­ber of co-investors,” said Ste­fan Jahn, Senior Invest­ment Man­ager at bm|t. “We are delighted that BianoGMP has found a strate­gic part­ner and new owner in EUROAPI, who also wants to invest in the Gera loca­tion and expand BianoGM­P’s pro­duc­tion capacities”.

More infor­ma­tion about EUROAPI


More infor­ma­tion about BianoGMP

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