Investee Partner TALLAG


The TALLAG Group emerged from the for­mer Samag and is a rec­og­nized and reli­able part­ner when it comes to the pro­duc­tion of sys­tem com­po­nents and highly com­plex assem­blies. TALLAG machin­ing cen­ters are used to cre­ate multi-stage and sophis­ti­cated man­u­fac­tur­ing solu­tions that are ele­men­tary com­po­nents in cus­tomers’ value chains. Whether turn­ing, milling, laser cut­ting, weld­ing or coat­ing — each of these work steps guar­an­tees qual­ity with max­i­mum pre­ci­sion, short imple­men­ta­tion times and flex­i­ble pro­duc­tion processes. From pro­to­types to large-scale production.