April, 25 2024 TVM Capital Healthcare Announces EUR 16 Million Investment into neurocare

neu­ro­care is rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing men­tal health care by pro­vid­ing inno­v­a­tive meth­ods and tools based on neu­rostim­u­la­tion and other tech­nolo­gies to help clin­i­cians deliver per­son­al­ized treat­ments with sus­tain­able clin­i­cal out­comes for patients. The invest­ment will enable the com­pany to exe­cute on its growth plans, includ­ing expan­sion into the MENA region.

TVM Cap­i­tal Health­care, a spe­cial­ist health­care pri­vate equity firm head­quar­tered in Dubai and Sin­ga­pore, today announced a EUR 16 mil­lion invest­ment into Munich-head­quar­tered neu­ro­care group AG (neu­ro­care), a lead­ing inno­va­tor in per­son­al­ized men­tal health care, pro­vid­ing solu­tions to empower clin­i­cians to deliver best care to their patients. TVM Cap­i­tal Healthcare’s invest­ment will enable neu­ro­care to exe­cute on its inter­na­tional growth plans, includ­ing expan­sion in the US and mar­ket entry into the King­dom of Saudi Ara­bia, as well as sup­port the devel­op­ment of new hard­ware and soft­ware inno­va­tions. It is the ninth invest­ment of TVM Cap­i­tal Health­care to improve local access to qual­ity health­care in the MENA region.

neu­ro­care, through its dig­i­tal ther­apy plat­form (DTP), pro­vides a holis­tic and patient cen­tric treat­ment for a vari­ety of psy­cho­log­i­cal or neu­ro­log­i­cal con­di­tions. It uses inno­v­a­tive men­tal health care meth­ods and tools includ­ing sleep assess­ment, ther­a­peu­tics, psy­chother­apy, TMS and neu­ro­feed­back, all super­vised within a cloud-based solu­tion, to empower clin­i­cians and deliver indi­vid­u­al­ized care. Fol­low­ing a detailed assess­ment of the patient’s con­di­tion, neu­ro­care sup­ports clin­i­cians in devel­op­ing indi­vid­u­al­ized ther­apy plans that are designed to lead to strong, sus­tain­able clin­i­cal out­comes. neurocare’s offer­ing is used in the Company’s own clin­ics in the US, Europe and Aus­tralia, as well as in a grow­ing num­ber of third-party clin­ics globally.

Glob­ally, 12.9% of peo­ple are affected by men­tal dis­or­ders (WHO), caus­ing tremen­dous direct and indi­rect costs, expected to increase from $2.5 tril­lion in 2010 to $6 tril­lion by 2030. The num­ber of patients diag­nosed with men­tal ill­nesses dou­bled dur­ing the COVID pan­demic. The treat­ment of men­tal health con­di­tions remains nev­er­the­less sig­nif­i­cantly lack­ing in most coun­tries, leav­ing a con­sid­er­able por­tion of the pop­u­la­tion with­out the nec­es­sary sup­port, and pre­sent­ing a unique growth oppor­tu­nity for com­pa­nies like neu­ro­care offer­ing inno­v­a­tive non-inva­sive treat­ments with supe­rior clin­i­cal outcomes.

Tris­tan de Boys­son, Man­ag­ing Part­ner, TVM Cap­i­tal Health­care, stated: “This invest­ment is part of our strat­egy of invest­ing in highly inno­v­a­tive, best-in-class health­care solu­tions that improve access to qual­ity care across the globe. A spe­cial objec­tive of the Firm is improv­ing the health­care infra­struc­ture in Saudi Ara­bia and the wider MENA Region. Most men­tal health clin­ics in this region rely on tra­di­tional behav­ioural and drug care ther­apy meth­ods, thus cre­at­ing a first mover advan­tage for com­pa­nies like neu­ro­care, offer­ing inno­v­a­tive men­tal health treat­ments with supe­rior clin­i­cal out­comes. We are excited about bring­ing this offer­ing to the peo­ple in the MENA Region and are look­ing for­ward to work­ing together with the neu­ro­care man­age­ment team to real­ize this objective.”

Thomas Mechter­sheimer, Founder and CEO of neu­ro­care group, added: “We are very pleased to announce the coop­er­a­tion with TVM Cap­i­tal Health­care, a strong part­ner with deep indus­try expe­ri­ence. This part­ner­ship allows us to accel­er­ate neurocare’s growth in our key mar­kets in the US, Europe and Aus­tralia and expand our geo­graphic foot­print into new regions. The imple­men­ta­tion of our Dig­i­tal Ther­apy Plat­form into clin­ics in the MENA region rep­re­sents a new mile­stone in our company’s growth. I want to thank all involved par­ties, espe­cially bm‑t, Aes­cu­vest and Goerg Lawyers, for their advice and sup­port in clos­ing this financing.”

About TVM Capital Healthcare

TVM Cap­i­tal Health­care is an emerg­ing mar­kets-focused health­care pri­vate equity firm head­quar­tered in Dubai and Sin­ga­pore, with offices in Riyadh, and Ho Chi Minh City. The Firm invests expan­sion and growth cap­i­tal in health­care com­pa­nies to improve local access to qual­ity care. Invest­ment and oper­at­ing part­ners as well as a strong group of senior advi­sors have long-stand­ing inter­na­tional track records in health­care invest­ing, active board work, con­tri­bu­tions to strat­egy devel­op­ment and imple­men­ta­tion, and deep health­care oper­a­tions expe­ri­ence. The Firm part­ners with local Mid­dle East­ern and South­east Asian man­age­ment teams to build domes­tic or regional sec­tor cham­pi­ons and selec­tively back com­pa­nies from Europe or North Amer­ica for expan­sion into the Firm’s two key tar­get geo­gra­phies. TVM Cap­i­tal Healthcare’s invest­ment and oper­at­ing approach com­bines strong com­mer­cial value cre­ation and returns with impact and respon­si­ble (ESG) investing.


About neurocare group AG

neu­ro­care is trans­form­ing men­tal health care by bring­ing a much-needed approach to the field: an inte­grated, per­son­al­ized treat­ment based on strong clin­i­cal evi­dence. neurocare’s dig­i­tal ther­apy plat­form (DTP) is the first of its kind in the area of men­tal health and is empow­er­ing doc­tors to offer their patients the best care for a vari­ety of psy­cho­log­i­cal or neu­ro­log­i­cal con­di­tions. Fol­low­ing a detailed assess­ment of the patient’s con­di­tion, neu­ro­care sup­ports clin­i­cians in devel­op­ing indi­vid­u­al­ized ther­apy plans that are designed to lead to strong, sus­tain­able out­comes for patients, improv­ing their self-reg­u­la­tion, resilience and social skills, while being cost effec­tive for the health­care sys­tem. These ther­apy plans inte­grate inno­v­a­tive meth­ods and tools, such as psy­chother­apy, neu­ro­mod­u­la­tion and sleep hygiene, as well as med­ica­tion, to best help each indi­vid­ual patient. This inclu­sive approach uti­liz­ing the DTP is strongly sup­ported by data pub­lished in lead­ing sci­en­tific jour­nals which showed response rates of ~65% and >55% remis­sion, with very few side effects. neurocare’s DTP is cur­rently used in the company’s clin­ics across the US, the Nether­lands and Aus­tralia, as well as in a grow­ing num­ber of third-party clinics.
