bm|t newsletter Q1 2022
»Invest beyond the crowd« is an important concept for our upcoming Investor Days Thüringen event (more about IDT is available below), and we wholeheartedly subscribe to the investment philosophy that investors generally discover more attractive opportunities off the beaten path, beyond the crowd.
In this Newsletter
Invest Beyond the Crowd
- The investment is fundamentally attractive AND
- There is an evident reason why we, as opposed to other investors, have this opportunity to invest
After last year’s extremely prolific investment activity, which witnessed financings for over half our Investee-Partners, Q1 experienced an expected slowdown in investment activity. This pause partially resulted from a requirement to reregister one of our most active funds after its planned investment period ended at the end of last year but thankfully was extended into 2022. This process has been completed, and we expect to return to a normalized pace of new and follow-on investments already in Q2.
Follow-on Investments
Spotlight on Innovation
On June 14th and 15th, Investor Days Thüringen (IDT), the premier early- and growth-stage pitch event in middle Germany, will be welcoming over 500 participants, with approximately 60 start-ups presenting their innovations and visions. We will host a live event – investment gems, networking, and beers & brats will all be in ample supply. We are looking forward to seeing you in Erfurt this June!
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