

Ode to the Founders 

This newslet­ter will be the last that I write as CEO of bm|t. After a ful­fill­ing and pro­duc­tive seven and a half years of invest­ing in Thüringen´s highly inno­v­a­tive com­pa­nies there are still many top­ics that I could write about. How­ever, it became crys­tal clear over my time at bm|t that all of the inter­est­ing top­ics con­cern­ing the nuances of ven­ture invest­ing are not as impor­tant com­pared to where the real magic hap­pens: at our amaz­ing Investee-Part­ners. Thus, my last newslet­ter focuses on the truly inspir­ing founders who take sig­nif­i­cant risks to cre­ate some­thing new in the world, to make a dent in the uni­verse. You have taught us so much and we have immense respect for you!

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