portfolio category: 2014

piezosystem jena

piezosys­tem jena is a world leader in the devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion of inno­v­a­tive high pre­ci­sion piezo posi­tion­ing systems.

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Analytik Jena AG

Analytik Jena

Ana­lytik Jena is a provider of instru­ments and prod­ucts in the areas of ana­lyt­i­cal mea­sur­ing tech­nol­ogy, life sci­ence, and optoelectronics.

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L&S Luddeneit und Scherf GmbH


The com­pany devel­ops, designs and man­u­fac­tures spe­cial tech­nol­ogy for the main­te­nance and repair of rail-bound trans­port sys­tems. The prod­uct range includes rail grind­ing tech­nol­ogy, two-way

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3di GmbH


The com­pany devel­ops, pro­duces and mar­kets, among other things, indi­vid­u­ally adapted hard tis­sue implants (bone replace­ment), which set new stan­dards in terms of pro­duc­tion time,

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