bm|t Venture Insights 3/19: The Price is Right
Startups can have very different goals and thought processes concerning pricing when initially trying to get traction in a market. Some startups might be so
Startups can have very different goals and thought processes concerning pricing when initially trying to get traction in a market. Some startups might be so
In certain circumstances, expanding a business in the traditional sense can actually limit value for a company whose technology’s greatest potential is as an enabler. An
In the example mentioned above, the marble that more quickly transformed its potential energy into kinetic energy was able to carry its gained momentum through
While recently in Berlin meeting with investors we were engaged in an interesting discussion about Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). Our conversational counterparty, an early-stage private
bm|t is celebrating its 15th birthday in 2018 and some predecessor organizations/funds date back over 20 years. This long and consistent presence and the valuable networks