

Ode to the Founders 

This news­let­ter will be the last that I write as CEO of bm|t. After a ful­fil­ling and pro­duc­tive seven and a half years of inves­t­ing in Thüringen´s highly inno­va­tive com­pa­nies there are still many topics that I could write about. Howe­ver, it became crys­tal clear over my time at bm|t that all of the inte­res­t­ing topics con­cer­ning the nuan­ces of ven­ture inves­t­ing are not as important com­pared to where the real magic hap­pens: at our ama­zing Inves­tee-Part­ners. Thus, my last news­let­ter focu­ses on the truly inspi­ring foun­ders who take signi­fi­cant risks to create some­thing new in the world, to make a dent in the uni­verse. You have taught us so much and we have immense respect for you!


Mel­den Sie sich für unse­ren News­let­ter an und erhal­ten Sie regel­mä­ßig zusätz­li­che Ein­bli­cke und aktu­elle Infor­ma­tio­nen zu uns, unse­ren Inves­tee Part­nern und Finan­zie­rungs­run­den bzw. Exits direkt in Ihr E‑Mail-Post­fach.

