

Start­ing-up vs. being a Startup™ 

We recently atten­ded the  Fede­ral Minis­try of Eco­no­mic and Cli­mate Action´s inau­gu­ral Startup Sum­mit in Ber­lin, and we were genui­nely impres­sed and moti­va­ted by the coor­di­na­ted efforts to fur­ther sti­mu­late the pro­li­fe­ra­tion and growth of start­ups in Ger­many. The announ­ced initia­ti­ves, such as the WIN-Initia­tive through its com­pre­hen­sive package of mea­su­res to sup­port the con­di­ti­ons neces­sary for inno­va­tion and growth capi­tal, will make a meaningful posi­tive impact in the Ger­man startup eco­sys­tem. We were also impres­sed by the coope­ra­tion across various fede­ral minis­tries and poli­ti­cal par­ties, with active par­ti­ci­pa­tion from the Chan­cellor, the Minis­ter of Eco­nomy and Cli­mate Action, and the Minis­ter of Finance along with the heads of many of Germany´s lar­gest corporations.


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